Liverpool v Manchester United – Preview: Daunting Anfield Awaits Rampant Red Devils


Anfield - Home is Where the Heart Is





October 15, 2011
11:45 hours GMT


The most anticipated fixture of the league season is upon us as the two colossal names of the English game come head to head. Blood, sweat, pride, and much more will be on line as giants collide in the most emotionally charged duel in contemporary British football. No quarters will be given, none will be asked. Legends are born and heroes rise in this titanic battle as the hope of every Scouse and Mancunian rests on the shoulders of the men who take the field.

Ita��s more than a game for sure, but at the end of the day football must take precedence over emotions however unrealistic that may sound. Liverpool, on their home turf, will be a tough nut to crack even for the Champions and league leaders United as three league defeats in a row at Anfield would testify. Red Devils, though can take heart from an unbeaten start to the season while the Reds from Merseyside have already tasted defeat twice, albeit away from Anfield. Kenny Dalglish a�� the Kop Idol and a legend in these shores has galvanized the club and brought new life amongst the supporters after a dismal run under Roy Hodgson and final days of Rafa Benitez. Now under the new regime, therea��s genuine hope and excitement in Liverpoola��s red half as the club seems to have found a new lease of life.

Ferguson and United on the other hand continue the quest for glory on all fronts as the legendary Scot has filled the roots of the club with an inexhaustible desire and hunger for success. Nearing his 25thA�year as the leader of the red army, Fergusona��s thirst remains unquenched; on the contrary it seems to have shot up with every passing day. An old enemy awaits Man United, armed with renewed vigor, reinvigorated with new faces and ready to pounce, yet again the master must respond to the challenge at hand. A fascinating encounter is in store for football fans around the globe as grit, determination and mental fortitude all come into play in the battle of the Reds.

Team News and Tactical Brief


Kenny Dalglish faces a couple of tricky decisions ahead of the visit of United. Ironically, it is brought about by the return to fitness of players. Except for an injury to Martin Kelly – sustained in an England U21 international – the manager has no other absentees. And yet, with Man United’s Ashley Young bearing down on any Liverpool right-back, this could be an injury that plays a major role in deciding the outcome of the game.

If Glenn Johnson is chosen to start, Jamie Carragher and Martin Skrtel are expected to be the central defensive pairing – since Dalglish cannot afford to give a return to both Daniel Agger and Johnson in such a fixture. Although one suspects that Dalglish will go with Johnson, his other option would be to play Carragher as right-back and the Skrtel-Agger pairing in the centre. Left back Jose Enrique will be a man to watch out for, for Liverpool, as his battle with Nani is going to be crucial.

Steven Gerrard is expected to replace Charlie Adam in the middle and partner Lucas Leiva, while a shaky right-back position guarantees a start to Dirk Kuyt on the right. Stewart Downing takes up the left wing role, with occasional switching of positions withA�Luis SuarezA�- a variation that has worked wonders at Anfield thus far. And finally, Andy Carroll will partner Suarez in the high octane fixture; Carroll expected to target Patrice Evra as United’s weakness in the air.

Probable Starting Line-up:A�(4-4-2) Reina; Johnson, Carragher, Skrtel, Enrique; Kuyt, Lucas, Gerrard, Downing; Suarez, Carroll


Sir Alex would have been very happy with the time of the international break as it has eased quite a few injury worries. The best news for the manager is that captain Nemanja Vidic is fit again and is almost certain to start after playing for Serbia in midweek. The skipper has been out since the opening day of the season and his return will provide a welcome boost to, what has been, a shaky United defense so far. Also fit is youngster Tom Cleverley, who has been missing due to a ligament injury. However, Cleverley might not yet be handed a start as he has not played any competitive game for almost a month. Chris Smalling might also be fit for the game but the it comes too soon for the da Silva brothers who are still struggling with injuries.

With the captain set to return, United will line up its best central defensive partnership of Vidic and Ferdinand for the first time since the opening game of the season. Alongside them will be Patrice Evra and Phil Jones, who has impressed one and all this season but his biggest test might come at Anfield as he faces a daunting opponent in Luis Suarez. David De Gea is expected to return in goal after Lindegaard got the opportunity against Norwich in the last game.

It will be interesting to see the midfield set-up deployed by Sir Alex as Liverpool has dominated that area of the pitch in the last three games at Anfield which has pretty much decided the game in favour of the Merseysiders. Nani and Young are almost certain to start on the wings, but the central midfield places are up for grabs with Anderson, Carrick, Giggs and Fletcher all available in addition to Cleverley who returns from injury. In the end, Fergie might opt for Anderson and Carrick with the Englishman protecting the back four and the Brazilian involved as the play-maker.

Wayne Rooney will be starting the game but he must be ready to face taunts from the Anfield faithful with his father involved in a betting scam but more so for his yet another act of foolishness which got him sent off in the England game. Danny Welbeck, who has started the season very brightly, is expected to partner Rooney in attack with Chicharito having to make a long trip back from Mexico after being involved in the international matches.

Probable Starting Line-up:A�(4-4-1-1)A�De Gea; Jones, Vidic, Ferdinand, Evra; Nani, Carrick, Anderson, Young; Rooney; Welbeck

Key Facts

  1. Liverpool have won the last three games against United at Anfield and four of the last six.
  2. United have not lost four league games in a row at any ground in the Premier League history.
  3. There have been four penalties awarded in the last five meetings between these two sides.


Steven Gerrard (Liverpool)


Skipper ready to return

Captain fantastic is ready to make his first start for the club since returning from injury and he could not have chosen a bigger game than this. All eyes will be on Gerrard who will be keener than ever to impress and show that he is still a force to reckon with and if he performs any where near to what he is capable of, United will be in for a hard time.

TheHardTacklea��s PREDICTION

Liverpool 2-2 Manchester United

There will be goals in this game with both defences struggling at the start of the season. Liverpool will dominate possession and take the game to United, but Sir Alex’s men will have enough fire in their belly to come out with a draw.


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