Changing Coaches Is Not The Solution to Mohun Bagan’s Problems

Steve Darby has come under the microscope following Mohun Bagana��s disappointing exit from the Federation Cup. Kolkata football fans are infamous for their lack of patience and some sections of the press have even gone to the extent of calling for his head.

Federation Cup Fiasco

Mohun Bagana��s performance in the Fed Cup was nothing short of abysmal. Expectations were high given the cluba��s summer transfers and their past record in the tournament.

In the first match, Bagana��s three-man defence was torn apart by Royal Wahingdoha��s fitter and faster attackers. The strikers must also share the blame as they wasted quite a few easy chances in the first half. Mohun Bagana��s performance didna��t improve against Lajong FC as the same problems continued to plague the team.

One may say that the coach and the players may not have had enough motivation to play this match, but such claims would only infuriate a Bagan supporter; one who expects the players to understand the value of donning the Bagan colours and give their very last bit in every match.A�Thanks to Fed Cupa��s chaotic schedule, Mohun Bagan were eliminated by the time their second match kicked off, because Royal had upset Churchill Brothers in the second round.

Darby is getting flak for Fed Cup performance

Things did get better against Churchill Brothers as coach Steve Darby tweaked his system to play four defenders instead of a 3-4-1-2. Mohun Bagan looked a much better unit in midfield and in offense, but the defence continued to leak goals as the match ended 2-2.

In recent seasons, it has become customary for Mohun Bagan officials to turn the coach into a scapegoat after every failure and eventually sack him. However, one must ponder about how much Steve Darby deserves to be blamed for the Federation Cup implosion.

Mistakes made during transfers

During the transfer window, in their bid to capture stars like Odafa, Mohun Bagan recruiters completely ignored the state of their tattered defence. Every champion team is built on a sturdy defensive line a�� a wisdom that is often missed by Kolkata football officials. Mohun Bagan invested too much time to lure already under contract Gourmangi Singh and failed to sign the likes of Rowilson Rodriguez or Selwyn Fernandez, who would have been easier targets. Veteran Deepak Mandal could have been an invaluable leader but he joined Prayag United without Bagan moving a muscle.

Deepak Mandal, one that got away

Other than Bagan, who arguably needed it most, every other big club brought in one or more defenders during the transfer window. I-League champion Salgaocara��s bulk of transfer activities were based on getting new defenders. Mohun Bagan also waited too long to get the ‘Player of Asian Origin’ a�� a repeat of last yeara��s mistake. Last season, Mohun Bagan left it so late to get a PAO player that they had to settle for an unfit Diamond Star, who only made up the numbers. Simon Storeya��s early performances have been terrible and early signs show that Bagan might have made another mistake in the PAO department this season.

Bulk of the team was built before Darby took over the job. The coach had very little say in the transfers and now he has to work with a weak defence. While his tactics of using three defenders can be questioned, the fact that he has frightfully less options in this department is undeniable. Borrowing a famous quote from PK Banerjee, ‘Steve Darby is being expected to cook Biryani using ingredients of Khichri.’

If Steve Darby is to be sacked because he had an inadequate team in his disposal, then Mohun Bagan officials should step down first.

Stability a�� The Key to Success

The formula for success may be elusive but one thing that everyone is aware of is that frequent change of coaches rarely bring trophies. There are scores of examples around the world.

Manchester Uniteda��s most successful periods came during Sir Matt Busbya��s 24 year-old reign and Sir Alexa��s still unbroken 25 year-old reign. Liverpoola��s golden era came under Bill Shankly and Bob Paisleya��s combined managerial stint between 1959 and 1983. Celtic lifted the European title with an entirely home grown squad during Jock Steina��s 13-year stay. Strictly provincial Nottingham Forest defeated every team in their path during Brian Clougha��s 18- year reign. Giovanni Trapattoni led Juventus to every club title during his decade long presence in Turin. In Arrigo Sacchia��s four-year stint, AC Milan developed into an unstoppable team while seeds to Barcelonaa��s success are said to have been planted during Johann Cryuffa��s 8-year coaching career at Camp Nou. Even Real Madrid, which has developed a reputation for sacking bosses, won multiple European titles during a relatively stable period under Vicente Del Bosque. The examples can go on and on.

Why look at European football only? Dempo SC, the most successful Indian club in the 21st century, has been managed by Armando Colaco for over a decade, despite getting relegated once. Mohun Bagan themselves tasted a lot of success in the 1960’s during Prasanta Sinhaa��s long coaching career. More recently, both East Bengal and Mohun Bagan won the national league title during relatively long periods under Subhas Bhowmik and Subrata Bhattacharya, respectively. Mohammedan SC, one of the best supported clubs in India, hasna��t won anything significant in the last two decades due to coaching carousel.

Odafa lacks match fitness

Bagana��s arch-rival East Bengal have finally woken up to a more professional approach as they focused on retaining their coach and players this season, rather than going after big names. Mohun Bagan must also aim to achieve similar stability and another coach change would not achieve that.

The Way Forward

Darby might have to rethink his tactics to cover up for lack of quality at the back. Any system with three defenders needs atleast two quality centre-backs and one good defensive midfielder. Subhas Bhowmika��s Asean winning East Bengal team used the 3-5-2 to great success. They were blessed with the likes of Debjit Ghosh, Musa, Douglas Da Silva and Mahesh Gawli in defensive positions. Current Mohun Bagan team doesna��t have such quality in defence so it might be difficult to play a system with three at the back.

Odafa has often looked unfit during Fed Cup and care must be taken to bring him back to full fitness. A fully fit Odafa is second to none in Indian football. Sunil Chhetri needs to develop a better understanding with Odafa, something that can only develop over time. Mohun Bagan must also look to get defenders on loan once the Kolkata Football League ends a�� players like Souvik, who impressed last season.

Steve Darby has an impressive CV and has had a career as good as any coach in India. Given suitable time and support, you will be a brave man to bet against Darby bringing back the success that thousands of Mohun Bagan fans crave.

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