Jose Mourinho was understandably pleased following his sideai??i??s 2-0 victory over Arsenal that gave the Blues clear daylight at the top of the Barclays Premier League. ai???In this moment, our team can adapt to everythingai???, enthused the Portuguese manager in a post-match interview. ai???We are not this kind of fundamentalist team who only play one way, think one thing. We can play different ways, adapt to different Whilst the statement might be perceived as the latest attack on Wenger and Arsenal in a war of words that seems to have no end in sight, it underlines the most salient reason behind Chelseaai??i??s success thus far this season ai??i?? their adaptability. Particularly over the past month, the Stamford Bridge outfit have shown that they are a side capable of winning games by adapting their own style of football to the opposition. This isnai??i??t to say that Chelsea are the only team that can do this. Crucially however, they can do it much more effectively than any other side in the country.
It is partially for this reason that Chelsea are arguably a more complete team than the likes of Manchester City, Arsenal and Liverpool, and seem to be the English team best equipped to go deep into the Champions League knock-out stages. Manchester City manager Manuel Pellegrini accused Mourinhoai??i??s side of playing like a ai???small team, like Stokeai??i?? following the 1-1 draw at the Etihad earlier in the season, whilst Brendan Rodgers dismissed Chelseaai??i??s 2-0 win at Anfield last season by claiming that such defensive play was ai???easy to coachai??i??. Wenger, meanwhile, has long been accused of tactical rigidity and of not having a ai???plan Bai??i??. In truth, being able to defend, and defend well for an extended period of time is both incredibly important ai??i?? particularly in the Champions League ai??i?? and not easy to do well. It is what ultimately cost Liverpool the title last season and has them in dire straits this, and part of the reason why City and Arsenal have not been able to progress beyond the Round of 16 in the Champions League in recent times.
This season, Chelsea have stepped up their game several notches ai??i?? in no small part due to their ability to both dominate games by controlling possession, as well as being able to sit back, soak up pressure and hit teams on the break. The Blues have scored 21 goals in just 7 league games so far this season, and have kept the joint-highest number of cleans sheets. Results over the past month highlight Chelseaai??i??s ability to win tight games, as well as put away mid-table teams with the sort of ease that was so conspicuously lacking last season. It isnai??i??t just Jose Mourinhoai??i??s tactical nous that allows Chelsea to play in different ways, it is also the personnel the Blues have, particularly in midfield.
If an individual symbolises this dichotomy in Chelseaai??i??s style of play, it is Oscar. His performances in Chelseaai??i??s last two games before the international break ai??i?? an away win against Sporting Lisbon in the Champions League and the defeat of Arsenal at home ai??i?? were completely different in terms of his role on the pitch, yet equally brilliant. Chelsea were totally dominant in Lisbon, and Oscar, for his part, created numerous chances throughout the game; in particular, two gilt-edged opportunities for Diego Costa and Andre Schurrle, whom he released with exquisite through balls. The Brazilian was a great creative force for the Blues, and constantly made runs in behind the defence, failing to score from Filipe Luisai??i?? ball over the top on one occasion. Rui Patricioai??i??s heroics and Chelseaai??i??s poor finishing kept the score-line respectable on the night.
Against Arsenal, where Chelsea largely played on the break, Oscarai??i??s performance was arguably even better. This time, however, it was his defensive contribution that made the difference. Chelseaai??i??s no.8 was everywhere, falling back time and again to make interceptions and dispossess the likes of Alexis Sanchez outside the penalty area, as well as harrying the Arsenal defence and midfield with Diego Costa, denying them time on the ball. His frenetic pressing all over the pitch set the standard for the rest of the side, who duly upped their game. The Brazilian received a deserved standing ovation from the Stamford Bridge crowd when he was substituted, for the sheer amount of effort he put in.
Oscarai??i??s unique skill-set as a ai???number 10ai??i?? is thus invaluable to Mourinhoai??i??s side. However, he isnai??i??t the only Chelsea midfielder who allows for such flexibility in the Bluesai??i?? play. Nemanja Matic is equally important to the Chelsea midfield, if not more so. The Serbian giant is a ai???destroyerai??i?? when he needs to be, breaking up play efficiently and starting counter-attacks where the Blues are so lethal. However, he is equally good on the ball, always passing forward and creating clever angles in the final third which allows Chelsea to control the ball and dominate possession, as was evident against Aston Villa in the league and Sporting in the Champions League.
Matic is, in many ways, a paradox. His elegance and craft on the ball belie his lanky, imposing figure and awkward gait. At his best, Matic is majestic, striding forward with the ball and finding Chelseaai??i??s attackers with pin-point accuracy. The Serbian was the stand out performer for the Blues against Sporting, his looping header the only goal of the game. In a performance that prompted Mourinho to call him ai???a monsterai??i??, he swept up any attempt by Sporting to make progress into the Chelsea half, and along with Fabregas, completely dominated the centre of the park ai??i?? on one occasion, setting up Diego Costa with a through ball that Andres Iniesta would have been proud of. Oscar and Matic are consequently absolutely vital to the adaptability that Mourinho is so happy to see in his team.
The industry of Oscar and Matic is so crucial because it allows a certain Spaniard to shine. It is the addition of Cesc Fabregas to the Chelsea midfield that has elevated the Blues to the level they are atAi??the moment. He is the midfield linchpin, the maestro that makes it possible for Chelsea to be so effective whether they keep possession, or play on the counter-attack. His start with the Blues has been superb, albeit not perfect from a defensive point of view. By his own admission, that is an aspect of his game he needs to work on. The Spaniard was quoted as saying after the Arsenal game, ai???I haven’t played there since my Arsenal years, since 2008/09, so for me to go back deep and experience again this position [this season] took me a while. Sometimes I was leaving many holes behind me but I had to change that. I am getting used to it and feeling more
Whilst he is still improving on his work off the ball, it is going forward that he has made such a difference. His creativity, vision, ability to make quick decisions and release the ball quickly are vital to the proactive football that the Blues aim to play. In games where Chelsea have more of the ball, he is able to dictate the tempo playing alongside Matic in a midfield pivot ai??i?? as he did against Aston Villa. The Spaniard racked up 144 successful passes in that game alone, which was the most since Paul Scholes made four more against Spurs in 2012. His ability to unlock a defence combined with the understanding he has developed with Hazard and Diego Costa gives Chelsea that extra bit of incisiveness to break down teams that sit back against them ai??i?? something they failed to do on numerous occasions last season.
On the other hand, when Chelsea are playing reactive football and attacking teams on the break, his ability to process what is happening around him at lightning speed, and to then pick a killer pass has already proved to be a huge asset to Chelsea. The second goal against Arsenal is a perfect example of this ai??i?? an exquisite ball over the top for Costa who finished in style and sealed the win. Even in the game against Manchester City, Fabregas set up Costa on the break, who was unlucky to see his shot cannon off the post. That goal would almost certainly have won the game for Chelsea. It is no surprise, then, that Mourinho is delighted with how well Fabregas has started his Chelsea career. The contribution of Ramires and Mikel is also significant. The presence of either of the two alongside Matic allows Fabregas more freedom on the pitch to get into attacking positions and create chances in the final third. Chelseaai??i??s fluid midfield allows them to shift easily from a 4-2-3-1 to a 4-3-3 depending on the circumstances in the game. This means that not only are Chelsea adaptable from one game to another, but they can change their way of playing within games. Mourinho pointed out after the Arsenal win, ai???When I bring Mikel on, I donai??i??t need to tell Matic what to do or Fabregas what to do. They The comment highlights the togetherness of the team and the understanding that seems to be growing rapidly between Matic and Fabregas.
Of course, it wouldnai??i??t be possible for Chelsea to sit back and defend well were it not for a stellar back five. Chelsea have not conceded now in over 270 minutes of football, whilst having scored six goals in the same period ai??i?? an ominous sign for their rivals. The strong defensive base is what allows the midfield to function effectively, but it is ultimately the quality and versatility of Chelseaai??i??s midfielders that allows for such flexibility in their play. Chelsea are no more a little horse. They are the thoroughbred Arabian ready to run the distance. And as things stand, they are ahead of the pack.
– Written by Malhar Bhadbhade (twitter: @malharcfc08)
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