Twitter Reactions To Jose Mourinho’s Getting Sacked By Chelsea FC…Twice

Chelsea FC have sacked Jose Mourinho! Again. While many would have seen this coming, there were those who believed that the club was really standing behind their manager this time round.

However, all those hopes were dashed with one sweeping (official) statement from Chelsea FC that said that they had parted ways with their iconic Portuguese manager.

This is the second time that the club has sacked Mourinho and it looks much uglier this time round, with rumours of discontent within the dressing room.

Being the hottest topic of the day, Mourinho has been trending on twitter with different people pouring their hearts out about the now former Chelsea FC manager. Here are some of the best reactions.

There was quite a lot of ‘trolling’, but as the previous tweet said, his past seems to have “finally all caught up with Mourinho”. The chief character discussed from his past was of course former Chelsea FC physio Eva Carneiro.

There were however, a couple of people who showed their support for Mourinho. Chief among them, is Portugal legend Luis Figo.

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