The NPower Championship – Round 7: Top 6 Highlights Of The Weekend

Local derbies, changes at the top and wonder goals. These and more are featured in TheHardTacklea��s Top 6 highlights from Round 7 of the Championship:-


10-man Rams win East Midlands Derby

Nigel Clougha��s Derby County reigned supreme against East Midlands rivals Nottingham Forest in an action-packed encounter at the City Ground.

Nearly 30,000 fans saw the game spring into life in only the second minute, when Derby goalkeeper Frank Fielding was sent-off after upending Forest striker Ishmael Miller. Derby were forced into a re-shuffle, bringing on sub goalkeeper Adam Legzdins, although he could do nothing as former Rams midfielder Andy Reid coolly slotted home the penalty to put the home side in front.

On the half-hour mark, there was more controversy. Forest midfielder Chris Cohen fell awkwardly when trying to win the ball back. Instead of kicking the ball out so that Cohen could receive treatment, Derby carried on playing. The ball was worked out wide to Jamie Ward, who brilliantly beat two defenders before scoring from an acute angle. The Forest fans booed, but as the injury was not to the head, Derby were well within their rights to carry on.

The second-half saw Forest using the numerical advantage to dominate possession, although it was the visitors who went closest to scoring when Jeff Hendrick somehow contrived to head wide from six yards when it looked easier to score.

However, the 19 year old Rams midfielder more than made up for the miss with 18 minutes to go, when he rifled in from the edge of the box to send the away fans crazy. Forest mounted late pressure as they searched for an equalizer, but apart from one fine Legzdins save, Derby were rarely threatened.

The win was Derbya��s fifth in seven games, whilst Forest remain in the bottom three with the pressure building on Steve McClaren.

Click to view highlights of Forest v Derby

Sven ends Poyeta��s unbeaten start

League leaders Brighton travelled to the Walkers Stadium to face big-spending Leicester City.

Sven Goran-Erikssona��s side bossed the first-half, with skipper Andy King going close, and full-back Lee Peltier having a goal chalked off for offside.

Forty-five seconds into the second half, the home side took the lead as former England man Darius Vassell supplied a perfect cross for Japanese midfielder Yuki Abe to impressively head home.

Matchwinner - Yuki Abe

Gus Poyeta��s men raised their game and should have been level when Craig Mackail-Smith blasted over from six yards. But with the Foxesa�� defence impressively marshalled by Matt Mills, Brighton couldna��t find an equaliser. To make matters worse, the Seagulls were reduced to 10 men with ten minutes to go, when defender Marcos Painter was handed a second yellow card.

Another happy away day for Middlesbrough

Tony Mowbraya��s Middlesbrough continued their impressive start to the season with a 1-0 away win at Crystal Palace.A�Marvin Emnes was the Boro hero, scoring the only goal of the match, midway through the second-half; this was his eighth goal of the season.

Palace had the better of the opening exchanges, with Jermaine Easter and Jonathan Parr forcing Boro keeper Carl Ikeme into two top saves. The visitors were slow to get going but with 65 minutes on the clock they got their noses in front when Emnes volleyed in from a tight angle.

One-nil up, the visitors were soon one-man down as full-back Joe Bennett found Palace winger Wilfred Zaha too hot to handle, bringing down the talented youngster to receive his second caution.

Palace piled on the pressure with Easter smashing a shot against the crossbar, but Mowbraya��s men hung on to record their sixth successive away victory, a new club record.

The win kept up their unbeaten start and temporarily moved Boro to the top of the table.

Saints go marching on

Middlesbrougha��s stint at the top of the Championship table was brief as Southamptona��s 4-1 win over Birmingham on Sunday moved the Saints to the summit.

An impressive first-half saw the home side 3-0 up through a Rickie Lambert penalty, Guly do Prado and Adam Lallana. Birmingham pulled a goal back early in the second half through Chris Wood, then hit the Saints’ post through veteran full-back Stephen Carr.

But, the three points were secured for the home side when midfielder Richard Chaplow latched on to Lamberta��s pass to score the fourth and send the Saints a point clear at the top of the table.

Nigel Adkinsa�� side have now set a club record of 13 successive home wins, whilst the 17 points from the first seven games is the cluba��s best start to a season in 103 years.

Phillips wonder goal pegs back Cardiff

The spoils were shared at Bloomfield Road in a repeat of the 2010 Play-Off final as Blackpool entertained Cardiff City.

The visitors had the better of the first-half with Scotland international Kenny Miller guilty of squandering a good chance before Anthony Gerrard twice went close. They did eventually take the lead early in the second half when Don Cowie brilliantly headed in Peter Whittinghama��s inviting cross.

Chasing the game, Blackpool boss Ian Holloway threw on three substitutes, but it was old campaigner Kevin Phillips who provided the spark to get the Tangerines on level terms. Receiving the ball 25 yards out at an angle, the super striker curled a right-footed shot into the far top corner, giving Cardiff keeper David Marshall no chance.

The home side searched for a winner, but it didna��t come. Eventually, the points were shared to leave both teams on 12 points in sixth and seventh place.

Bitter Rivals draw a blank

Much of the talk leading up to this weekend centred around the London derby between Millwall and West Ham United. However, the match itself failed to live up to the billing as the points were shared in a goalless draw at the New Den.

In what was a vociferous atmosphere, there was almost a sensational start as straight from the kick-off Hammers midfielder Henri Lansbury spotted Millwall keeper David Forde adjusting his net behind the goal, seemingly unaware that the game had started. Fortunately, for the Lions, Lansburya��s 40-yard effort went wide of the post.

The home side recovered with Liam Trotter going close, before Lansbury had another effort cleared off the line.

Fewer chances were created in the second half; however, on-loan Spurs winger David Bentley should have won the game for the away side but he dragged a shot wide late on in the game.

More important than the result, there was no repeat of the off-the-field problems that have blighted this fixture in the past.


Round 7 Results:

Barnsley 1-1 Watford

Blackpool 1-1 Cardiff City

Crystal Palace 0-1 Middlesbrough

Hull City 1-0 Portsmouth

Leeds United 2-1 Bristol City

Leicester City 1-0 Brighton and Hove Albion

Millwall 0-0 West Ham United

Nottingham Forest 1-2 Derby County

Peterborough 2-1 Burnley

Reading 2-0 Doncaster Rovers

Southampton 4-1 Birmingham City

Playing Monday a�� Ipswich Town v Coventry City

Click Here to view the latest Championship table


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