Manchester Uniteda��s Corner: Rooney And Nani – Redeemed And Rejuvenated

Seeking to forget makes exile all the longer; the secret of redemption lies in remembrance.

Ita��s almost a year now, 11 months to be precise, since Uniteda��s golden boy – the one Wayne Rooney dropped a bombshell on his beloved United. Shell shocked by the sudden turn of events, United faithful didna��t know what had hit them. In midst of a gruelling season, which wasA� already lacking conviction, the last thing fans wanted to hear was thatA�their icon had turned his back on them.A�Wayne did just that! What followed next was perhaps a series of events no United fan will be proud of.A�However, it wasna��t unexpected as Red Devils made their displeasure known and not in a very candid way.

Just a couple of weeks ago, after revelations of Rooneya��s private life became public, courtesy News Of The World, United fans stood behind their man, when the whole country was salivating like hungry dogs, to have a go at the beleaguered star. As fate would have had it, Rooneya��s first game since his misdemeanour became front page news, would be at Goodison Park. The partisan home crowd were lined up with all sorts of not-so-subtle abuse; it would surely get ugly and the manager recognized that too and shielded his superstar from the unnecessary cruelty. Just at kick-off, the travelling away support broke out in a rapturous redemption of the White Pele chant, which even surprised the Toffees faithful. United fans were doing the right thing they thought, standing by their man, and lending him unconditional support.

Just about a month later, Wazza decided he didna��t care about the club anymore, as he refused to sign the contract. With speculations rife about Rooneya��s future club and with neighbours City coming out as prime candidates, fans had every reason to be aggrieved and they sure let their displeasure known. A�a�?Hell hath no fury like a women scorned,a�? they say, perhaps football fans are an exemption to the rule.

Exasperated United fans

Wayne backtracked; stayed, but hisA�doubt regardingA�the cluba��s ambitions, his team mates’ abilities and the managera��s hunger, indeed left a very sour taste.

Now almost a year has passed, Uniteda��s tainted hero has given it hisA�all to wipe the bloat off his image. In United circles forgiveness isna��t asked for, but worked at, and Rooney has responded to the call with maturity and unparalleled determination.

His road to redemption started last season, among odd booa��s and brickbats, fans werena��t impressed and they made sure he knew that for sure. A�Wayne Rooney issued a public apology to fans and his team mates as well, but actions have always spoken louder than words and Red Devils around the globe needed reassurances.

The EnglishmanA�was trying his best on the pitch and starting to impress but the fire seemed missing, the booing had stopped but the White Pele chant wasna��t sung by the same fervour and Old Trafford didna��t really reverberate with chants of a�?Rooney Rooney Rooneya�? and then came the turning point. 12th February 2011, Wayne Rooney produced his most special moment in the United shirt yet, as he stunned the noisy neighbours into silence by a piece of brilliant individual skill. Old Trafford erupted and the first milestone on the journey to salvation was achieved.


Wazza continued his upward spiral right towards the final third of the season, which included a fabulous hat trick at Upton Park, inspiring a dramatic comeback and leading United to the top of the table.

A�The penultimate game of the season arrived; United needed a point to achieve the unprecedented and much yearned for 19th league title. Blackburn Rovers though hadna��t read the script and they went ahead sending a few shock waves among the United supporters. But perhaps, Rovers had after all got the memo, as their goal kick stroked United into action. After Chicharito earned a penalty, Rooney stepped up to the spot toA�earn United and himself aA�place in history. Rooney and United both scored and Uniteda��s fallen idol was again a hero. Rooney scored again in the Champions League final at Wembley and ran his socks off for United’s cause but it wasna��t meant to be, on the day Pep Guardiolaa��s Barcelona were the better side and walked off with the European Cup.

The fallen idol rose to the occasion and delivered

This season though, Shrek, as he is affectionately called, has begun like a tornado, sweeping all and sundry in his wake. Rooney alone has scored more goals in the league individually than any other sideA�save Manchester City. Fans areA�right behind him onceA�again and surely alla��s well in Waynea��s world. With a stable homefront and vociferous fan-support in his wing Rooney will hope to go one step forward this season and earmark his place alongside the greats of this beautiful game.

The United talismanA�is now a changed man -A�a more matured individual and right now at the peak of his powers. Red Devils have surely forgiven theirA�hero, for his brief moment of misjudgement and decided to let bygones be bygones. The lingering thought of Rooney’s deemedA�betrayal has vanishedA�for goodA�and for the best. The acceptance is total and absolute, as there’s hardly a United faithful left,A�who needs more convincing. Rooney and United are synonymous once again and hopefully forever.

Luis Nani: Rejuvenated

The facts presented by Sky Sports, which compared Nania��s and Ronaldoa��s first 100 United appearances in numbers showed Luis Nani leading his more illustrious compatriot, although stats are hardly the perfect indicators of true worth of an individual to his team. Leta��s just treat Nani on his own, as he has truly carved a niche for himself at the club. Nania��s story at the Theatre of Dreams has been topsy-turvy to say the least, but perhaps now it wona��t be too much of a hyperbole to say that the twinkled-toed Portuguese stands on the edge of brilliance. Greatness might not be too impossible a dream to achieve.

In his first few years at the Theatre of Dreams, Nani found it hard to adjust to the pressures of being a United player. TheA�understated Portuguese showed moments of sporadic class which was oftenA�interrupted by weeks of mediocrity. His petulant nature along with his fondness to go down easily didna��t endear him to fans across the country much like, you-know-who.A�Nonetheless, the resemblance ended there, as Cristiano Ronaldo backed up his antics with jaw dropping skills and untold brillianceA�and he often single-handedly won games for his club. Nani on the other hand looked to be heading out, as he failed to light up the OT stage and most importantly didna��t have fansA�on his side.

Nani almost gave it all away!

January 2009 saw a sudden change in his approach and demeanour, as the Portuguese winger buckled down and began to make the most of his enormous talent. Last season however was easily Nania��s finest in the Red of United. During the early part of the league campaign and amidst Rooney-gate, Luis Nani carried the United fight on his shoulders. Fullbacks around the country, and in Europe in general, were in for a real hiding, as Nani surged forward down the wings creating a plethora of goal-scoring opportunitiesA�andA�also at times scoringA�themA�himself.

His performancesA�didn’t goA�unnoticed, Nani was voted Manchester Uniteda��s Playera��s Player Of The Year and that was surely the biggest accolade that a player longs for. The respect and acknowledgement by his teammates and manager has gone a long way in resurrecting his downward spiral. Nani thrives on confidence and responsibility and once he smells blood he is a different animal.

At 24, Nani is at a great stage in his career with exactly a hundred United appearances under his belt and surely out of the shadow of his well known countryman. One suspects that Nani is just coming into his own and perhaps therea��s another gear left in his gearbox or quite possibly two. Therea��s an unassailable wind in his sail andA�oppositions must be wary, asA�Nania��s only going to get stronger, trickier and at this rate literally unplayable.

Fergusona��s praise of the Portuguese magician reconfirmed his coming of the age

“Nani’s marvellous, he was brilliant today [Sunday], absolutely brilliant, he’s a terrific player, the lad, and he’s starting to mature. We’re going to get the best years out of him, no doubt.”

Nani and Rooney at the age of 24 and 25 respectively are the elder statesmen in Fergusona��s kingdom; they are no more the young, immature and petulant teenagers but the guiding light for Fergiea��s fledglings v2.o.

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