The German word a�?Geilheita�? is rather difficult to translate into English. Sometimes, it plainly means to describe one’s over-craving for sexual activities; at other times, it can be used as a euphemism for being enthusiastic with a certain amount of umph. German international, and HSV left midfielder, Marcel Jansen said after Hamburg had lost another game – which left the red shorts with only one point after five match days in the Bundesliga – that Hamburg lacked the a�?Geilheita�? that Claudio Pizarro had when two of the Peruvians goals made the difference. Jansen appears to be right, even though HSV managed to stay on par with Werder for the entire first half, it was Werder that managed to produce the chances that led to the goals, in the end. Pizarro was just that crucial bit quicker, Marin was just that tiny bit more precise. Considering how the matches against Werder are the biggest matches Hamburg play all season, beside the match ups against Bayern Munich, one has to ask the question – how on earth is it possible that Hamburga��s players dona��t seem to be able to give there 100% against their arch rivals? . Certainly, a bad start to the season leaves its marks on the team, being a cellar dweller comes with a lot of uncertainty, and an insecurity that can tip matches in the opposition’s favor. Rebuilding a team like Hamburg are doing, under Frank Arnesena��s leadership, is the biggest overhaul in the history of the club. Never have so many established players left the club, and never have so many youngsters come in to play first team football. Arnesen and the ‘long term’It has to be pointed out that Hamburg had to do all this, and in the process, let established players like Ze Roberto, Frank Rost, Joris Mathisjen and Ruud van Nistelrooy leave the club. The red shorts paid Champions League wages, without ever being anywhere near the biggest competition in Europe. The overhaul had to come at some point, but the boardroom of the club left it late, meaning that there wasna��t any possibility of a smooth transition in order to achieve this goal. However, the new Hamburg board has said that they want this concept to succeed. Hiring Frank Arnesen from Chelsea to bring them long-term success. And the key word here is “long-term”! Ever since Ernst Happel left the club in 1987, a total of 18 coaches (three of them were caretaker coaches) have tried to lead the team. Firing a coach every 18 months is hardly a concept that will give you long-term success. The curious case of Hamburg’s Michael OenningWith Arnesen in charge of signing the players that are supposed to bring glory back to the northerners, Hamburg needed a coach that pull the strings from the bench, and form a side that could once again make the fans proud of their club. Arnesen and the board decided to go with Armin Veha��s former assistant Michael Oenning. First of all, the board wasna��t happy with Veh; why would they hire the guy who assisted him in the first place? And, if the assistant doesna��t have any input into what is going on in the training sessions, and what the teama��s tactics should look like, why should they keep him there in the first place? Furthermore, Oenning had only half-a-season in charge of a Bundesliga team before he got the chance at Hamburg, and most Nuremberg fans look back with horror on the days when their club played in the Bundesliga under Michael Oenning. However, the Hamburg board meant that Oenning was the perfect man for the job in hand, citing his popularity in the player group, and his experience with young talents before he became a coach in the Bundesliga. After 13 matches in charge at Hamburg, Oenning has managed one victory – which came in the first game after he took over the club – followed by six draws and six losses. That brings Oenninga��s average points per match to the rather poor sum of 0.7 points per game. Hardly enough to stay up in the league, never mind reaching Hamburga��s goals for the season. So, what is the Hamburg board going to do? Are they leaving a coach in charge who doesna��t seem to have a handle over the situation at hand, in order to keep their word of giving coaches more time to succeed? Or are they going to bite in the sour apple of keeping their image of a trigger happy club in order to try something new? It seems like Hamburg have gone with the first option this week, which is fairly surprising – and amusing – to the outside world. Eurosport 2a��s Ian Holyman said after the game between Werder and Hamburg that Michael Oenning might be out of the job within 24 hours. Oenning is still at the club, but one has to seriously doubt that Oenning can afford to lose any of the next three or four games before Hamburg once again pulls the trigger, and hires a new coach. Bayern’s Form and a wrap of the rest of the leagueWhile Hamburg are plagued with multiple issues, nothing of sorts exists in Munich. Bayern Munich pummeled Freiburg 7-0, giving the team a goal difference of 16-0 in the last four matches, and of course four wins. The Bavarians are in championship winning form.A�Holger Stanislawskia��s Hoffenheim also grabbed an impressive 4-0 away victory against last yeara��s suprise package Mainz. Ex-Liverpool forward Ryan Babel struck twice and perhaps – only perhaps – looks to have announced his arrival in the Bundesliga. Pedro Geromel had a shocker of a game for KA�ln, giving two penalties away for unnecessary fouls to away side Nuremberg. Solbakkena��s team lost 2-1 at the end, making the Norwegian coach one of the candidates to lose his job as the first coach of the season; especially since Hamburg are so reluctant to let go of their coach. And finally, Naldo celebrated a return to the Bundesliga after a 16-month absenceA�from the league. The Brazilian defender was substituted onto the pitch late in Werdera��s 2-0 victory over Hamburger SV. —- Written byA�Niklas Wildhagen
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