Inquizitivity: Quiz 10

Continuing with the Chain-Quizzing (c) TheHardTackle that was published last time.

Identify all the ten characters; you will have to answer in a sequence to crack the entire quiz. All the best.

Question 1:

A’ is the first player to win the UEFA Champions League in consecutive years at different clubs. He is an UNICEF Ambassador of Ghana, but has never played international football with them. He has represented his ‘adopted’ country 116 times which includes a World Cup triumph. He played 6 years for a top English club.

Question 2:

B’ is one of the greatest dead-ball specialists the game has ever seen. ‘B’ is currently playing in a club where ‘A’ played for a year before retiring. ‘B’ has the incredible record of winning 8 consecutive league titles at a club. ‘B’ has this strange feat of playing two top-level matches on the same day in two different countries.

Question 3:

C’ played five years with ‘B’ at a top club. ‘C’ didn’t play a part in the recently concluded FIFA World Cup, much to everybody’s surprise. ‘C’ was reported to be involved in a sex scandal recently, but he denied the same through his lawyers.

Question 4:

D’, considered by many as arguably the greatest footballer to have ever played the game, wore the same club jersey as ‘C’, for a number of years. He was considered to be the greatest goal-scoring international to have ever lived. ‘D’ was part of the most incredible 10-goals European Cup Final in which he scored 4 for his club. ‘D’ had won 10 league titles in his career, not many can boast of such an achievement.

Question 5:

E’ has a similar achievement as compared to ‘D’, even better than that. (Read last line of previous para) Easily one the greatest players to play for his club, ‘E’ never played at a World Cup stage. He represented England at schoolboy level with a pseudo-name Ryan Wilson in a match against Germany at Wembley.

Question 6 & 7:

Many Gooners will remember that match in 2002-03 when ‘F’ gave them a heartbreak by scoring a ‘vital’ long-ranger and denying them the Premiership that season. ‘F’ did help his team to avoid relegation though. ‘F’ is a left-leg free-kick specialist quite like ‘E’.  ‘F’ joined a former country team-mate ‘G’ in a one year spell at a club where the latter was a manager. Incidentally, ‘G’ was an illustrious club team-mate of ‘E’.

Question 8:

H’ was historically livid when he learnt ‘G’ was not joining his club and instead joining a top English club in a record British Transfer Fee. A legend at his club, he had won the league seven times during a very successful period of his club. He has played over 100 games for his country. From the 1985-86 season onwards, he was a player-manager giving opportunities to younger players.

Question 9:

In ‘H’s last season as a player for his club, ‘I’ was responsible for snatching away the league title in the dying minutes of the last match of the season, considered by many as the greatest moment in the life of a ‘___’, fans of ‘I’s club. ‘I’ switched to ‘H’s club in 1991 and played 7 years for them.

Question 10:

Identify J?

PS: A new points system will be started from this round of quizzing (but the guys who have answered the last two Chain-Quizzings’ will also get points). We’ll let you know about it after the solution is given out at the end of this edition.

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