Theo Walcott Describes Petr Cech’s Amazing Initiation Rap; Throws Light On ‘Flamzil’

Arsenal FC striker Theo Walcott has thrown light on the initiation song performed by new signing Petr Cech upon his arrival from rivals Chelsea FC earlier this summer.

The Gunners have a tradition of asking new players to perform an induction song, which the player needs to sing while standing on a chair in front of his new team-mates. Cech, who had a forgettable English Premier League debut for the Gunners last weekend in the 2-0 loss to West Ham at home, performed remarkably in the initiation per Walcott.

Cech performed a rap in his Arsenal FC induction

Speaking in a recent interview, as quoted by Evening Standard, Walcott said:

a Petr basically went round each table and did a rap, involving each of the players sitting at the table a and he included the boss a it was amazing. There is a video of it but I dona t think ita ll ever go outa a


Prior to Petr Cech, other team-mates have also been part of this mandatory custom at Arsenal FC. Mesut Ozil performed a Turkish song following his club record move from Real Madrid and English U-21 defender Calum Chambers was asked to perform ‘Naive’ by The Kooks when he switched St. Mary’s for the Emirates.

Flamzil – The bromance between Mesut Ozil and Mathieu Flamini

Arsenal FC left-back Kieran Gibbs, who was also part of the interview, threw light on the budding bromance between Mesut Ozil and Mathieu Flamini. Walcott added that the other player’s referred to the duo as ‘Flamzil.’

Gibbs explained: a Calum and Alex are tighta but nothing beats Mesut and Mathieu. They do everything together, they do gym sessions together, sauna together, eat togethera a

a We actually call them Flamzil,a Walcott added.

However, the bromance of Arsenal FC’s record signing could soon come to an end as Mathieu Flamini is close to an exit. The French combative midfielder has been given the go ahead to leave the Gunners. The 31-year-old is surplus to requirements and has been told to look for a new club for himself before the end of the window. Although it has been reported that Flamini is looking for a huge pay-off in order to part ways with the Gunners.

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