Arsenal FC: Bellerin And Walcott Challenged To Race By Sprinter Richard Kilty

British sprinter Richard Kilty challenged Arsenala s Hector Bellerin and Theo Walcott to a sprint race for a bet of 30,000 pounds.

Kilty made this challenge on the back of reports in the media that Bellerin was the fastest player at Arsenal and that he ran a 40m sprint in just 4.42 seconds, and shaved a small amount of time off Walcott, who previously held the record of the fastest sprinter at Arsenal.

Kilty said on Twitter, a Media claiming @HectorBellerin can run 4.42 over 40m.

a Absolutely no way. Are these journalists complete morons!

“I will put A?30,000 on the line to race @HectorBellerin & @theowalcott any sprint distance, any time, any place, anywhere

“The race will be over very quick. So, if they put their money down, I will gladly show everyone they cannot sprint as fast as the media claim.”

There is no doubt that both Bellerin and Walcott are very quick and possibly the fastest in the Arsenal team, but it is doubtful that they timed as has been reported in the media, considering that even the fastest man on the planet, Usain Bolt, did not reach that milestone while on his way to making the world record for the 100m dash.

The race, obviously, will not be sanctioned by the club while the season is heading towards its most important phase. But it would be interesting to see if either of the players will take up the challenge over the summer break. That would be a showdown worth looking out for.

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