Arsenal v Bolton a�� Preview: Struggling Premier League Clubs Face Each Other

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The Emirates Stadium,A�London

Saturday – September 23, 2011
2200 hours IST A�(+0530 GMT) – LIVE! on ESPN India


A�”It is absolutely ridiculous. ArsA?ne Wenger is one of the best managers in world football, and always will be. But we have to accept football is a game of opinions and criticism comes along the way. I feel he is the perfect fit for Arsenal, though, given their history and tradition and the way they have evolved over the years. Yes, they would like a trophy, but look at the players he has brought to the club. Maybe if he had the same resources as other managers of the biggest clubs, you would see an Arsenal side with different personnel.”

a�� This is how Bolton manager Owen Coyle defended Arsene Wenger in his press conference, but as things stand he could also do with a vote of confidence from Wenger.

Similar start to the season


When the premier league fixtures were generated this year, very few people would have predicted that when these two teams face each other at the Emirates, it will be – according to the league table – a relegation battle. Saturday will see The Emirates host a match between two teams that are positioned in and around the relegation zone!

What a turn around it has been in the fortunes of both the clubs. Last time these two clubs met in May, Arsenal still had a mathematical chance of claiming the title, while Bolton were flying high as well. While Tamir Cohen headed Taylor’s corner home at the near post to basically end Arsenal’s title hopes, Bolton’s win on the day was their last before the start of a losing streak till the end of that season. A new season, a new day and here are two teams with one win each from five games and a point apart from each other.

In the five matches so far, the Gunners have conceded 14 goals – including 3 own goals – collected 3 red cards and 12 yellow cards. These statistics sums up Arsenala��s season so far and everything that is wrong with Arsenal at the moment. Last weekend’s loss at Ewood Park exposed Arsenal’s shaky defence. After that morale-crunching defeat, Arsenal registered a come from behind victory at home to Shrewsbury Town in the League Cup; a win that had its share of positives and negatives.

The story so far for Bolton is pretty similar. Owen Coylea��s side played some exciting brand of football last season, and were expected to build on that this year, but it hasna��t the best of starts for the Wanderers. They started of well against QPR with a 4-0 victory, but havena��t won a point since. To be fair to Bolton, they were very unlucky with the fixtures as well, since they played Manchester City, Liverpool and Manchester United in the three matches that followed. However, a defeat to newly-promoted Norwich City at the Reebok indicated that Coyle has major problems to deal with. All said and done, Bolton – like Arsenal – are going into this match on the back of an impressive Carling Cup victory against Aston Villa. That win must restored some of the lost confidence in the team, and with Stuart Holden back to match fitness, Bolton have received a huge boost ahead of the Saturday’s clash.

Team News and Tactical Brief


The good news of Arsenala��s progress to next round of League Cup was followed by the bad news of Benayouna��s injury. The midfielder is expected to be out for about a week, ruling him out from this weekend’s match. Vermaelen and Squillacia��s expected return date isna��t known yet, while Wilshere and Diaby are expected to return on 19th November and 8thA�October, respectively. There are also concerns about the fitness of Rosicky, Djourou and Miyachi (who made his first team debut against Shrewsbury Town).

Wenger experimented with a 4-4-2 formation in the Carling Cup match, but Arsenal are expected to return to their usual formation of 4-2-3-1 for this match. Arsene will look to rotate his squad; hence, Santos will feature in the starting eleven despite Gibbsa�� impressive display in the League cup, where he grabbed his first goal for Arsenal. Aaron Ramsey, Alex Song and Mikel Arteta will feature in theA�midfield, with Gervinho and Arshavin on the wings. The Russiana��s performance has improved in recent times and he looks to regained his confidence.

Oxlade-Chamberlain is likely to play some part in the match after his wonderful performance this Tuesday, but he is unlikely to start. Arsenal captain Robin van Persie will lead the line upfront. He has scored just one goal so far in the League, and Arsenal will be hoping that he finds his form quickly. Chamakh has looked very lively in his last two outings for the Gunners, and is expected to make an appearance in this match. Walcott is another player who will be eager to get his place back in the starting line-up.

Wenger is expected to field the same back four that started in the horror show at Ewood Park. Mertesacker and Koscielny will look to put the Blackburn debacle behind them and start afresh. Good news for the Gooners is that Sagna is fit to start after he was substituted in the last match due to an injury scare.

Probable Starting Line-Up (4-2-3-1) :A�Szczesny, Sagna, Mertesacker, Koscielny, Santos; Song, Ramsey,A�Arteta, Arshavin, Gervinho, Van Persie

Probable Starting Line Up


Bolton have injury worries of their own. While Alonso is expected to return by 15thA�October, Sean Davis, Mears, Lee and Ricketts are out for long term. There are some doubts about the availability of Gardner and Steinsson as well.

The good news for Bolton fans is that Stuart Holden has returned to full fitness. The American made a successful return to the Bolton first team after being out with a knee injury since March. Holden featured for the full 90 minutes against Villa in the Carling cup, and gave an encouraging performance. Bolton are expected to field a traditional 4-4-2 formation. Zat Knight will return to the center of defense alongside Gary Cahill after being rested in the Carling Cup. Robinson and Boyata will complete the back four.

Holden and Reo-Coker will feature in the center of the midfield. Holden will replace Pratley, who didna��t have an impressive outing against Norwich. Klasnic, who received his marching orders against the Canaries last weekend after an apparent head butt on Morison, will serve his suspension and thus, will not be available for selection. It will be a big blow to Bolton given the striker’s decent form in front of goal. Tuncay, who started on the right for Bolton against Norwich, is likely to be replaced by David Ngog after a less than impressive display last weekend. The former Liverpool man will start upfront with Davies. Chris Eagles will get a start this weekend, as well.

The Bolton defense – much like Arsenala��s rearguard -will be under huge pressure to perform. They have conceded 13 goals so far this season, just one less than the Gunners. This match might be decided by the fragile defense of both the teams.

Probable Starting Line-Up (4-4-2) :A�Jaaskelainen, Robinson, Knight, Cahill, Boyata, Reo-Coker, Holden, Petrov, Eagles, Ngog, Davies

Key Facts


Gary Cahill (Bolton Wanderers)


A big four player?

The defender has been at the center of constant transfer speculation this summer, with Arsenal being the front runner for most it. Reports suggested that according to Owen Coyle, Arsene Wenger made a a�?disrespectfula�� bid for the Englishman. Cahilla��s performances so far this season haven’t been upto his usual high standards and this has been one of the reasons why Bolton have conceded so many goals thus far in the campain.

He would like to right the wrongs this time around and show the Gunners what they have missed out this summer by not signing him. A good performance from him might stand between an Arsenal win and Bolton getting something out of this match. It might also urge Wenger to put in a more a�?respectfula�� bid during the winter transfer window.

TheHardTacklea��s PREDICTION

Arsenal 3-2 Bolton

Both the teams are in desperate need of a win and both will be looking to build on their morale boosting Carling Cup performances. Most of the Bolton players featured in the midweek Carling Cup game, while Arsenal will field a different line-up, hence fatigue of the Bolton players might play a part in the outcome. Expect Arsenal to score more than they concede against a shaky Bolton defense. While the loss of Klasnic will be a big blow for Bolton, return of Holden will give them a lift. It will be a very nervous game which will perhaps be decided by which defense commits the least number of mistakes. Expect Arsenal to use their home advantage and win this by a narrow margin.



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